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来源:http://www.jnjhhg.cn/ 日期:2021-02-25 发布人: 浏览次数:0
Safety production and dangerous problems of maleic anhydride
In recent years, China's maleic anhydride industry has developed rapidly. Many large-scale maleic anhydride plants have been built and put into operation. Many of them are new entrants to the maleic anhydride industry. They lack sufficient experience and Countermeasures for the safety in maleic anhydride production. Recently, many safety accidents have sounded an alarm for us. The safety problems in maleic anhydride production must cause great concern See.
Safety problems in maleic anhydride production
由于顺酐中使用的原料为纯苯和二甲苯,按照危险品的火灾危险性分类标准(GBJ 16-87),这些原料都是属于、甲类、易燃、易爆的危险品物质。同时按照职业及劳动卫生保护规定和美国职业及保健条例(OSHA)规定,苯和二甲苯亦属于有毒、有害物质。由于马来酐本身的特殊物理和化学性质,以及过程中还存在着强腐蚀、高温、高压等环境,所以问题对顺酐单位尤为重要。
As the raw materials used in maleic anhydride production are pure benzene and xylene, according to the national fire risk classification standard for dangerous goods production (GBJ 16-87), these raw materials belong to class A, class A, flammable and explosive dangerous goods. At the same time, according to China's occupational safety and labor health protection regulations and OSHA regulations, benzene and xylene are also toxic and harmful substances. Due to the special physical and chemical properties of maleic anhydride itself, and the strong corrosion, high temperature, high pressure and other environment in the production process, the safety problem is particularly important for maleic anhydride production units.
In the use of pure benzene and xylene dangerous goods as raw materials, because the country has strict and clear standards, specifications and regulations, the production units of maleic anhydride industry also attach great importance to and strictly implement the standards, regulations and specifications, so the probability and cases of explosion and fire accidents in the production process of maleic anhydride benzene oxidation are very few
In the past ten years, with the localization of ten thousand ton maleic anhydride production technology, more and more maleic anhydride production units and the scale of maleic anhydride production units are growing, so the risk of maleic anhydride production process is also growing. From 1990 to now, there have been many accidents in the production process of maleic anhydride dehydration and refining and in the process of equipment maintenance and transformation. So far, seven people have died, several people have been injured and disabled, and several production units have been scrapped. It can be said that China has created a "precedent" in the history of maleic anhydride production in the world, which caused a number of fatal accidents, so we must attach great importance to the safety problems in maleic anhydride production process.
