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来源:http://www.jnjhhg.cn/ 日期:2024-08-27 发布人: 浏览次数:0

  苯氧化法 苯氧化为顺酐是在催化剂存在下进行的。

  The oxidation of benzene to maleic anhydride by the benzene oxidation method is carried out in the presence of a catalyst.

  常用催化剂的活性组分均为钒的氧化物(见金属氧化物催化剂),为抑制苯被完全氧化,常加入钼、磷、钛、钨、银及碱金属等元素的氧化物为添加剂,并采用低比表面的惰性物质为催化剂载体,如 α-氧化铝、刚玉等。反应在常压下进行,温度350~400℃。工艺过程由苯的氧化,顺酐的分离和提纯两大部分组成。

  The active component of commonly used catalysts is vanadium oxide (see metal oxide catalysts). To suppress the complete oxidation of benzene, oxides of elements such as molybdenum, phosphorus, titanium, tungsten, silver, and alkali metals are often added as additives, and low specific surface area inert substances such as alpha alumina and corundum are used as catalyst carriers. The reaction is carried out under normal pressure at a temperature of 350-400 ℃. The process consists of two main parts: the oxidation of benzene, the separation and purification of maleic anhydride (see figure).



  Benzene vapor and air can form explosive mixtures, so the concentration of benzene in the mixed gas entering the reactor should be outside the explosive limit, generally ranging from 1% to 1.4% (moles). The oxidation of benzene is a highly exothermic reaction, and a tubular fixed bed reactor is commonly used in industry, which has a large heat transfer surface and a cooling system outside the tube. The reaction heat can be used to generate high-pressure steam.


  The gas leaving the reactor contains about 1% (mole) of maleic anhydride. About half of the maleic anhydride can be condensed into liquid by cooling, and the remaining part can be recovered by absorption method. Absorbents use water or inert organic solvents, and most factories use water.


  The obtained absorbent is an aqueous solution of maleic acid with a concentration of 35% to 40% by mass. It needs to be dehydrated using azeotropic solvents such as xylene and benzyl ether to convert the acid back into anhydride. Dehydration can also be carried out in a membrane evaporator. Crude anhydride can be distilled under reduced pressure to obtain the finished product.

  以苯计算,整个过程的顺酐收率为92%~96%(质量)。 C4烃氧化法 正丁烷与丁烯均含有与顺酐相同的碳原子数,是顺酐的理想原料。由于正丁烷较其他原料低廉,用正丁烷更为有利。其流程与苯氧化法基本相同,催化剂为钒-磷-氧体系,添加剂有铁、铅、锌、铜、锑等元素的氧化物。

  Calculated based on benzene, the yield of maleic anhydride in the entire process is 92% to 96% (by mass). Both n-butane and butene produced by C4 hydrocarbon oxidation method contain the same number of carbon atoms as maleic anhydride, making them ideal raw materials for producing maleic anhydride. Due to the lower price of n-butane compared to other raw materials, using n-butane is more advantageous. The process is basically the same as the benzene oxidation method, with a vanadium phosphorus oxygen system as the catalyst and oxides of iron, lead, zinc, copper, antimony and other elements as additives.


  Fixed bed reactors or fluidized bed reactors can be used, with a reaction temperature of approximately 400 ℃.


  The concentration of n-butane in n-butane air mixture is 1.0% to 1.6% (mol). The yield of maleic anhydride in the entire process is about 50% based on n-butane. Due to the low selectivity of C4 hydrocarbon oxidation, the equipment investment is higher than when benzene is used as the raw material, and partial condensation cannot be used for post-processing. Instead, all the maleic anhydride in the reaction gas must be recovered by absorption method, resulting in increased energy consumption. But due to the lower price of n-butane compared to benzene, and the high toxicity of benzene. Therefore, using n-butane as the raw material is attractive, and improvements to the catalyst used in this method are being vigorously carried out in various countries.


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