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来源:http://www.jnjhhg.cn/ 日期:2024-02-27 发布人: 浏览次数:0


Maleic anhydride, as an important raw material for chemical production, is widely used in fields such as plastics, resins, fibers, etc. However, due to its unique chemical properties, maleic anhydride poses certain safety risks during storage and transportation. It is crucial to establish a strict set of regulations to ensure the safe storage and transportation of maleic anhydride.


Storage specifications

1. 存储设施:顺酐应存放在干燥、阴凉、通风良好的专用仓库内,避免阳光直射和高温。

1. Storage facilities: Maleic anhydride should be stored in a dedicated warehouse that is dry, cool, and well ventilated, avoiding direct sunlight and high temperatures.


2. 存储容器:应使用具有耐腐蚀性的容器存放顺酐,并确保容器密闭性良好,防止泄漏。

2. Storage container: A corrosion-resistant container should be used to store maleic anhydride and ensure good sealing to prevent leakage.

3. 存储标识:在仓库内设置明显的标识,包括易燃、有毒、腐蚀等标志,以提醒操作人员注意。

3. Storage signage: Clearly set up safety signs in the warehouse, including flammable, toxic, corrosive, etc., to remind operators to pay attention to safety.

4. 库存管理:建立严格的库存管理制度,定期盘点库存,确保账物相符,防止顺酐丢失或被盗。

4. Inventory management: Establish a strict inventory management system, conduct regular inventory checks to ensure consistency between accounts and goods, and prevent loss or theft of maleic anhydride.


Maleic anhydride, as an important raw material for chemical production, poses certain safety risks during storage and transportation. In order to ensure the safe storage and transportation of maleic anhydride, strict regulations need to be established and effective safety measures need to be taken. By following these regulations and safety measures, the safety risks of maleic anhydride during storage and transportation can be reduced, ensuring production safety and personnel health.
