三聚磷酸钠是一种性能优异的洗涤剂。 它也是洗涤剂过程中用量的组分。 它具有四个功能三聚磷酸钠的主要用途重金属离子的螯合:在洗涤过程中,水中的重金属离子会与去污剂分子结合形成不溶性金属盐,从而降低了洗涤能力,甚完全失去了其作用。
Sodium tripolyphosphate is a detergent with excellent performance. It is also the largest component in detergent production. It has four functions: the main purpose of sodium tripolyphosphate is the chelation of heavy metal ions: in the washing process, the heavy metal ions in the water will combine with the detergent molecules to form insoluble metal salts, which reduces the washing capacity and even completely loses its function.
因此,有必要添加一种螯合剂,该螯合剂可将水中所含的重金属离子转变为去污剂中的无害物质。 三聚磷酸钠对重金属离子具有很强的螯合作用,可以将其阻塞并其对洗涤的不利影响。另外,它可以捕获污垢中包含的各种金属成分,并且可以在洗涤过程中解离污垢。 它可以用作肥皂增效剂,并防止皂条油脂的沉淀和结霜。

Therefore, it is necessary to add a chelating agent, which can convert the heavy metal ions contained in the water into harmless substances in the detergent. Sodium tripolyphosphate has strong chelating effect on heavy metal ions, which can block it and eliminate its adverse effect on washing. In addition, it can capture various metal components contained in the dirt and dissociate the dirt in the washing process. It can be used as a soap synergist and prevent the precipitation and frosting of soap bar grease.
Degumming, emulsification and dispersion of dirt: dirt usually contains human secretions (mainly protein and fatty substances), but also external sand, dust, etc.
三聚磷酸钠具有使污垢中的蛋白质溶胀和溶解的作用,因此具有脱胶作用。它促进脂肪的乳化; 它分散了固体污垢;它具有强大的润滑油和脂肪乳化作用。调整缓冲皂的pH值。?具有防止滤饼堵塞的功能:粉状合成洗涤剂具有吸湿性。 如果将其存放在高湿度的地方,则会结块。
Sodium tripolyphosphate has the function of swelling and dissolving the protein in the dirt, so it has the function of degumming. It promotes the emulsification of fat; It disperses solid dirt; It has strong emulsification of lubricating oil and fat. Adjust the pH value of buffer soap.? It has the function of preventing filter cake blockage: the powdered synthetic detergent has hygroscopicity. If it is stored in a place with high humidity, it will agglomerate.
Agglomerated detergent is extremely inconvenient to use.
三聚磷酸钠吸收水后形成的六水合物具有干燥特性。 当在洗涤剂配方中使用大量时,它可以防止由于吸湿而引起的结块,并保持合成洗涤剂的干燥颗粒。
The hexahydrate formed after sodium tripolyphosphate absorbs water has drying characteristics. When a large amount is used in the detergent formula, it can prevent caking caused by moisture absorption and keep the dry particles of synthetic detergent.