Through the recent market survey and return visit, we found that many customers don't understand the preparation method of Shandong maleic anhydride very well. Today, the editor will share the relevant information with you, hoping to attract your attention and let you have a deep understanding of Shandong maleic anhydride. In this way, when you purchase and use Shandong maleic anhydride, you can also have a clear idea, not afraid of being cheated, and hope to inspire and help you.
1. 苯氧化制山东顺酐
1. Oxidation of benzene to Shandong maleic anhydride
将苯与空气混合(苯为1%-1.4% )经换热器预热后,进人列管式催化反应器。在压力为0.1-0.2MPa、温度为350-400℃的反应条件下进行氧化反应,所得产物经两台换热器、一台冷却器后,冷却到接近露点(55―65℃)。冷却后的反应物进入分离器,分离器底部得粗顺酐,进入粗顺酐罐。分离器顶部流出物进人洗涤塔,用水洗涤,塔顶为多余空气和未反应的苯,苯可用吸附回收。洗涤塔塔底水溶液进人脱水器,分离出水,所得粗顺酐进人粗顺酐罐。粗顺酐进一步进人蒸馏塔进行蒸馏精制,得顺酐。所得山东顺酐可进行异构化得富马酸和苹果酸。
The mixture of benzene and air (benzene is 1% - 1.4%) is preheated by heat exchanger and then put into the tubular catalytic reactor. The oxidation reaction was carried out at the pressure of 0.1-0.2mpa and the temperature of 350-400 ℃。 The product was cooled to the dew point (55-65 ℃) by two heat exchangers and one cooler. The cooled reactant enters the separator, and the crude maleic anhydride is obtained at the bottom of the separator and enters the crude maleic anhydride tank. The effluent from the top of the separator enters into the washing tower and is washed with water. The top of the tower is redundant air and unreacted benzene, which can be recovered by adsorption. The bottom water solution of the washing tower enters into the human dehydrator, the separated water, and the obtained crude maleic anhydride enters into the human crude maleic anhydride tank. Crude maleic anhydride is further distilled into a distillation tower to obtain maleic anhydride. The maleic anhydride can be isomerized to fumaric acid and malic acid.

2. Partial oxidation of C4 fraction to maleic anhydride
Maleic anhydride is produced from C4 fraction without separation or C4 fraction after separation of isobutylene and butadiene. C4 fraction is mixed with air and then enters the fluidized bed oxidation reactor. At 300-500 ℃, it contacts with the catalyst in the reactor to produce maleic anhydride. The reaction products from the top of the oxidation reactor enter the absorption tower, and water is used as the absorbent. The gas from the top of the tower flows through the waste water