过硫酸铵是一种白色单晶体,密度1.98,在120°C 完全分解,完全干燥时可长期保存不分解,不易吸潮,但吸潮后逐渐分解放出氧和臭氧。溶于水受热分解。有强氧化性,可作为化学试剂、氧化剂、漂白剂、脱臭剂、单体聚合引发剂。它还具有使用方便、等优点。
Ammonium persulfate is a white single crystal with a density of 1.98. It can be completely decomposed at 120 ° C. It can be stored for a long time when it is completely dry. It does not decompose and is not easy to absorb moisture, but it gradually decomposes after moisture absorption to release oxygen and ozone. Dissolve in water and decompose when heated. It has strong oxidizability and can be used as chemical reagent, oxidant, bleach, deodorizer and monomer polymerization initiator. It also has the advantages of convenient and safe use.
运 输
Road / rail transportation: ggvs, ggve, ADR, rid: Class 5
海路运输GGV Sea/IMDG code:CLASS 5.1,Page 5126,
Sea transportation GGV sea / IMDG Code: class 5.1, page 5126,
Water hazard level: Level 1 (slight)
包 装
(1) 净重 25 公斤复合纸袋内衬单层塑袋
(1) Net weight 25kg composite paper bag lined with single-layer plastic bag
(2) 净重 25 公斤 PE 袋
(2) 25 kg net PE bag
(3) 净重 25 公斤编织袋内衬双层塑袋
(3) Net weight 25kg woven bag lined with double-layer plastic bag

(4) 净重 1000 公斤编织袋内衬单层塑袋
(4) Net weight 1000 kg woven bag lined with single-layer plastic bag
以上包装 1000 公斤装一个托盘
The above package is 1000 kg in one pallet
储 存
Ammonium persulfate is a non flammable product, but it can release oxygen and has combustion supporting effect. During storage, it must be stored in a dry and closed container to avoid direct sunlight and close to the heat source. It is not allowed to contact with organic matter, rust, a small amount of metal and other reducing substances to prevent the decomposition and explosion of ammonium persulfate. Because the wet ammonium persulfate powder and its aqueous solution have bleaching and slight explosion Therefore, direct contact with eyes, skin and clothing should be avoided during use.
应 用
聚 合: 乳胶或丙烯酸单体聚合液、醋酸乙烯、氯乙烯等产品的引发剂,同时也是苯乙烯、丙烯腈、丁二烯等胶体发生共聚作用的引发剂。
Polymerization: initiator of latex or acrylic monomer polymerization solution, vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride and other products, and initiator of copolymerization of styrene, acrylonitrile, butadiene and other colloids.
Metal treatment: treatment of metal surfaces (e.g. in semiconductor manufacturing: cleaning and etching of printed circuits). Activation of copper and aluminum surfaces.
化 妆 品: 漂白配方的主要成分。
Cosmetics: the main component of bleaching formula.
纺 织 品: 脱浆剂和漂白剂-特别为低温漂白。
Textiles: desizing and bleaching agents - especially for low temperature bleaching.
其 它: 化学合成;
Others: chemical synthesis;
Water treatment (purification);
Waste gas treatment, oxidative degradation of hazardous substances (e.g. mercury);
剂 ;
Starch (starch modified).
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