Separation and purification of maleic anhydride. Benzene vapor and air can constitute a mixture of blasting, so into the mixture of the reverberator, benzene concentration should be beyond the blasting limit, generally 1% ~ 1.4%.
Benzene oxidation is a strong exothermic reaction. In industry, maleic anhydride manufacturers often choose tubular fixed bed reverberator, which has a large heat transfer surface. Outside the tube is a cooling system, and the reaction heat can be used to generate high pressure steam.

About 1% of the maleic anhydride is contained in the gas separated from the resector. About half of the maleic anhydride can be condensed into liquid by cooling, and the other parts can be recovered by absorption.
Absorbent water or lazy organic solvents, most factories use water. The resulting absorption solution is an aqueous solution of maleic acid, with a concentration of 35% ~ 40%. Azeotropic solvent is used to stop dehydration and the maleic anhydride manufacturer converts the acid into anhydride from de to de. Dehydration can also be stopped in membrane evaporator. Crude anhydride can be prepared by vacuum distillation.