不饱和聚酯树脂( UPR)是我国顺酐更主要的消费领城。不饱和聚酯树脂是热圆型树脂的主要品种之一,由于其优良的机械性能、电性能和耐化学腐蚀性能,且加工工艺简更,因此应用广泛。目前可以400余个牌号的UPR,主要品种包括邻萃型、间苯型、对萃型、双酚A型等,按用途和功能分类包括通用树脂、耐化学品树脂、阻燃树脂、浇注树脂柔性树脂、人造大理石,BMC与DMC树脂、装饰类树脂和特种树脂等。
Unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) is the main consumption leader of maleic anhydride in China. Unsaturated polyester resin is one of the main varieties of hot round resin. It is widely used because of its excellent mechanical properties, electrical properties, chemical corrosion resistance and simpler processing technology. At present, it can produce more than 400 brands of UPR, mainly including ortho extraction type, meta benzene type, para extraction type, bisphenol a type, etc. according to the purpose and function, it includes general resin, chemical resistant resin, flame retardant resin, casting resin, flexible resin, artificial marble, BMC and DMC resin, decorative resin and special resin.
的UPR市场中,增强类(玻璃钢用)树脂比例只占40% ,而用于非增强类树脂的比例高达60% ,在非增强类树脂中工艺树脂占34%,纽扣树脂占24% ,人造大理石占19%。
In the UPR market, the proportion of reinforced (FRP) resin accounts for only 40%, while the proportion of non reinforced resin is as high as 60%. In the non reinforced resin, process resin accounts for 34%, button resin 24% and artificial marble 19%.
2. BDO、THF等加氢产品
2. BDO, THF and other hydrogenation products

顺酐酯化加氢可以1,4-丁二醇( BDO)、四氢呋喃(THF)等产品,这些有机和精细化工产品,在国内较为紧俏,有着广阔的应用前更。顺酐在加氢类产品(包括BDO、THF和CBL等)中的应用,特别是在新型热塑性工程塑料聚对萃二甲酸丁二醇面( PBT)和作为氨纶原料的聚四亚甲基醚二醇( PTMEC)中的应用,是过去10年间乃今后较长一段时间内能够大幅拉动全世界顺酐产品迅速增长的主要囚来。目前,这些产品在国内的装置规模较小,技术比较落后, 每年都需从国外大量进口来满足国内市场需求。
Maleic anhydride esterification hydrogenation can produce 1,4-butanediol (BDO), tetrahydrofuran (THF) and other products. These organic and fine chemical products are in short supply in China and have broad application prospects. The application of maleic anhydride in hydrogenation products (including BDO, THF and CBL), especially in new thermoplastic engineering plastics polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and polytetramethylene ether glycol (ptmec) as raw material of spandex, is the main factor that can significantly drive the rapid growth of maleic anhydride products all over the world in the past 10 years and even for a long time in the future. At present, the domestic production units of these products are small in scale and backward in technology. They need to be imported from abroad every year to meet the needs of the domestic market.
尤其是1 ,4-丁二醇,除用于γ-丁内雷、四氢呋喃外,还可以进一一步制备附加值更高的精细化学品N-甲基吡咯炕酮和聚四亚甲基乙二醇醚等。其中顺酐酯化加氢被认为是目前世界上1,4-丁二醇更经济和更有前途的工艺路线。
In particular, 1,4-butanediol is used for production γ- In addition to butamer and tetrahydrofuran, it can also further prepare fine chemicals with higher added value, such as N-methylpyrrolidone and polytetramethylene glycol ether. Among them, maleic anhydride esterification hydrogenation is considered to be the most economical and promising production process for the production of 1,4-butanediol in the world.
3. 涂料方面
3. Coating
Maleic anhydride is mainly used in alkyd resin coatings and amino resin coatings. Alkyd resin coating is the largest consumption among the 18 categories of materials, and its output and consumption account for about one third of the total materials in Xu. Alkyd resin has good adhesion, gloss and corrosion resistance. It is widely used in architectural coating, mechanical and automotive coating, furniture and anti-corrosion coating; Amino resin coatings also have good hardness, gloss and color retention properties. They are widely used in decorative coating of light industrial household appliances.
2003 年全国醇酸树脂徐料和氨基树脂涂料的产量估计为75万吨,消耗顺酐约1.14万吨。2005年我国对涂料的需求量达到约250. 0万吨,其中醇酸树脂和氨基树脂涂料的需求量达到约87.5万吨,相应对顺酐的需求量达到约1.5万吨。
In 2003, the output of alkyd resin and amino resin coatings in China was estimated to be 750000 tons, and the consumption of maleic anhydride was about 11400 tons. In 2005, the demand for coatings in China reached about 250 Million tons, including about 875000 tons of alkyd resin and amino resin coatings, and about 15000 tons of maleic anhydride.
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