顺酐的主要分两类,早的方法采用苯作为原料,但由于原料本身 和对环境的危害性,以及经济因素的影响,苯法的工艺在顺酐中所占的比例日益 减小;
The production of maleic anhydride is mainly divided into two categories. In the early production method, benzene was used as the raw material. However, due to the harm of raw material and environment, and the influence of economic factors, the proportion of benzene process in maleic anhydride production is decreasing day by day;
目前顺酐的主流方法采用正丁烷作为原料,包括固定床、流化床、移动床等, 这些工艺各有特点,大多均有实际的工业应用,但相同的是,这些正丁烷氧化制顺酐的工 艺,均采用同一类催化剂,即钒磷氧(VP0)催化剂
At present, the main production methods of maleic anhydride use n-butane as raw material, including fixed bed, fluidized bed, moving bed and so on. These processes have their own characteristics and most of them have practical industrial applications. However, the same is that the same kind of catalyst, namely vanadium phosphorus oxygen (VP0) catalyst, is used for the oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride
顺酐作为一种基础性工业合成材料已为市场广泛应用,其合成的关键要素一一顺 酐催化剂的性能,直接影响顺酐的收率、成本、质量、能耗和程度。
Maleic anhydride, as a basic industrial synthetic material, has been widely used in the market. The performance of maleic anhydride catalyst, the key factor of its synthesis, directly affects the yield, cost, quality, energy consumption and environmental protection of maleic anhydride production.

正丁烷氧化制顺酐的催化剂早期曾经常试过多种催化剂,但经过多年的研究证实 VP0催化剂仍是迄今为止有用的催化剂体系。常规的VP0催化剂采用水溶剂或有机溶剂 法制得前驱体,所得前驱体通过焙烧活化和成型得到更终催化剂。
Many kinds of catalysts have been used for the oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride in the early stage, but it has been proved that VP0 catalyst is still a useful catalyst system up to now. The precursor of conventional VP0 catalyst was prepared by water solvent or organic solvent method, and the final catalyst was obtained by calcination, activation and molding.
目前,工业化应用的VP0 催化剂均采用非负载催化剂。由于VP0催化剂本身存在如比表面积较小、强度较低、传热效 果差等缺点。
At present, the industrial application of VP0 catalysts are all non supported catalysts. VP0 catalyst has some disadvantages such as small specific surface area, low strength and poor heat transfer effect.